Paging Recordset with ASP
First contribution on the paging recordset with ASP.
It has always been annoying to do paging recordset, especially when you have to set many options here and there. Although the ADO recordset have many properties which aids in customising paging and the records to be fetched, the confusion lies within the vast amount of customisaton and try and error for the newbie.
Based on many paging script reference from the net, I have studied the goods and designed out an object oriented class solely for paging. The class requires minimal inputs and yields friendly result on the returend page numbers and recordset.
As this is my first draft, the technical details I have yet to describe it. The source provided is as it is with minimum comments. Hopefully it shall serve useful to you.
Download the source and example here
Kick off with learning process
I am lazy, yes for this fact I do admit that creating a site requires a lot of efforts from creative aspects to coding etc. Being a developer myself, it has always been my idea to generate my own script library, collecting snippets here and there for my reference for future use.
Over the past years of development I have been reusing scripts from the net, and I thanks all those great scripting genius and author out there, which make most of our developer life easier! Having said that I would also want to contribute to share out scripts and knowledge that I feel is benefical to the world out there. Even if it's not beneficial, this can be a archival of my knowledge learning online!
Blogging - a new way of authoring and yes I feel that it shall make my life easier ignoring the design factor while I just post my script and description out here!