Tuesday, February 22, 2005

ASP - Get vs Post

Most of the common form method handling will not escape the usage of GET or POST method to submit the data. While working on a project and experimenting both the methods I found out an interesting result...

GET got priority over POST method. If you use the Request.Querystring method in ASP, it will obtain all the required parameters. But for the POST method, doing a Request.Form method will not necessary obtain all the values. It seems that there is some kind of priority on the values obtain.

This lead me to wonder if anyone knows the sequence of which overwrites the priority first? I know that in php, the php.ini file allows you to edit the global, get, post objects and method, and that you could set the priority of the objects to be used first and overwritten priority. Thus I wonder if there is any for ASP Request.Form & Request.Querystring objects?


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